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“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” -Vincent Van Gogh 

Humans are standing face-to-face with a perplexing dilemma that has befallen the entire world, and our beloved nation the same. An invisible virus challenges us to find new ways to fight against obstacles that are threatening our way of life.

As we face these new challenges, we are bound to strive forward together, stronger than ever, for a better tomorrow. As we stand together, united, we will overcome any challenges as deep as the ocean and as high as the sky.

While we vow in isolation to keep physical distance,we are determined not to fall apart and sway from each other. We will not forget our neighbors, friends, family and those that may have fallen vulnerable to the unexpected circumstances.

As humans, we will rise to the occasion, as ONE, by extending a helping hand to those in need, wholeheartedly reminding ourselves that our circumstances do not define us. In the face of hardship, humanity is defined by its generosity, resilience, and kindness. Like Jadav Payeng of Molai India, who planted an entire forest single handedly. Or Edward Jenner, who developed the smallpox vaccine which successfully eradicated an illness that had claimed approximately 500 million lives in the 20th century alone. We plant the seed of kindness individually and join forces to spread goodness around the world when necessary.

We are a nation of dreamers. We find strength in our diversity. Young, old, black, white, children of all creeds and colors distinguished by our ethnicity, talents, and attributes together with one common goal. Like our nation’s frontline workers and first responders, we will restlessly go the distance, devoted to assist and aid.


Coming Together, Keeping Together, and Working Together Leads to Success

Let’s come together, motivated to inspire. Let’s work together to spread positivity that fuels us through this difficult journey. Let’s offer solace to those affected and lift their spirits with acts of kindness.

“If you’re going to try, go all the way. There is no other feeling like that. You will ride life straight to perfect laughter. It’s the only good fight there is.” -Charles Bukowski


if UNITED offers  inspirational pieces, motivational videos, and other positive content that will fuel your eternal flame. Visit us everyday for new inspirational poems, quotes, and more to help spread positive thoughts around the world. Together we can emerge from hardship.


Get motivated, Get inspired, Get united. United as ONE.

Heroes of the Front Lines

Coming Together

Ever try to measure
The power of a dream?

Ever sit and wonder
Where water becomes a stream?
In ways there is no difference
From nothing it begins
The pieces come together
And it ebbs and flows and spins
In time it becomes power
No force may stop its flow
None may know its beginning
But all may see it grow
A tiny drop of water
Or a simple little thought
Can change the world we live in
Rewriting rules we’re taught

-Robert Longley

Music That Moves You

There’s real science to back up how music can affect your overall mood. And if you’re looking to improve your well-being and happiness, look no further than these great hits. After listening to this feel-good tracks, good luck resisting a smile or the urge to dance.

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